Fueling the love of a Mediterranean Charm

Discovering the charm of Cyprus. Closer to Collecting Flavours as a passtime, it’s in synch with your nature

There is a knowledge about wine that can be acquired that need not feel like learning.

A quick word of guidance: under any circumstances, do not let wine knowledge be an impediment to the enjoyment of discovery.

As the rush for wine education appears to be on, the avalanche of knowledge seeking guides can be overwhelming: The Wset does it, Wine educators do it, Sommeliers crave it, Big Brands do it, Appellations organise it, Universities teach it…. Restaurants sell it, Wine bars stage it ….(gulp) Breathe on!

What we really ought to be after

“It’s a learning of another kind, the kind that is entirely sensorial, abstract, resistant to codification, where blobs of flavour and shape and texture get filed deep in our archives, intact and un-dissected”
@Tom Hewson: Cleverly makes the case with pressing urgency.  For persons, with a glass in hand a few centilitres in belly, inviting us to go on, to collecting flavours instead.

Recommended reading Collecting Flavours via Tim Atkin