InternationalMaratheftiko Day

International Maratheftiko Day


International Maratheftiko Day renders hommage to Cypriot fine and rare red wine grape.
Maratheftiko, also known as Vamvakada, Vamvakina, Pampakia, Mavrosportiko and Aloupostafylo. International Maratheftiko Day has been set for the 1st of December, a day to promote the variety and its wines around the world.

Oenophiles from Oenognosia and Oenoart invite all winelovers to share in the idea of how wine can unite. In choosing on December  1st your favourite Maratheftiko, be it red, rosé or white (blanc de noir), fresh or ripe, dry, semi-sweet or semi-sweet, sparkling, sweet, in blends or as spirits – have your glass prepared, raise it to the health of the grape, to the courage of those that cultivate it and to those that see in Maratheftiko the virtues of its finesse and appeal to make wine.

Events for Inernational Maratheftiko Day