It’s Cyprus Wine Hour in Limassol, a scenario to enjoy exceptional wines

It’s Cyprus Wine Hour in Limassol, a scenario to enjoy exceptional wines
Diversity of Sensorial Expression at Muscats du Monde 2012 Competition Mosxatos 2009 vintage from Ayia Mavri takes silver in the anual competition of the Muscats du Monde, the competition that undeniably makes honor to the naturally sweet wines of Muscats. Just as it is undeniable that Ayia Mavri still carries the flag of quality sweet wines for Cyprus Wines – well done…
Joined by winemaker, the late Mrs. Ioannidou, which hosted the tasting at the time in Koilani. One can really appreciate the passion and taste with which the Muscat of Alexandria shines in sweetness and balance in her presence. These are top wines which have collected international awards not by chance, but by love for winemaking in Cyprus.