Versatile Xynisteri

Versatile Xynisteri

Xynisteri, versatile grape for modern tastes The white grape variety cultivated for centuries in Cyprus Xynisteri is now cherished and cared for emerging winemakers adapted to modern tastes. In Zypern eine neue, initiative und im Ausland ausgebildete Winzergeneration die Krise als Chance und begann, kompromisslos auf Qualität zu setzen. Dazu gehört die Rückbesinnung auf hochstehende, einheimische Sorten, die sich bestens an…

A taste for a Challenge in Moscow – Xynisteri Vs Shiraz

Mapping Cyprus Xynisteri Although some might see a repeat of last year’s event, nothing far from it.  The Daily WineGraph (a.k.a Denis Roundenko) will add a new twist to his Cyprus Wine tasting in Moscow later on this month when he brings head to head Cyprus wine variety Xynisteri against Shiraz. Winemaking from Cyprus could be more exciting for Russian…
High Flying Xynisteri at Petritis from Kyperounda Winery

High Flying Xynisteri at Petritis from Kyperounda Winery

As the 7th Cyprus Wine competition judging was coming to end, Minas Mina, Winemaker at Kyperounda was preparing a vertical Xynisteri flight of such heights, unlike anything which a competition could ever evaluate.  Xynisteri Vintages, 2008, 2010 and 2011 – the key to understanding the future positioning of Petritis Wine range – a must for the future understanding quality in relation…

In the name of Xynisteri with peach and apricot aromas

In the name of Xynisteri with peach and apricot aromas

An inspiring sunrise shoot at Zygi. Zygi, Larnaca sets the scene for Wine explorations overlooking the sea and fisherman’s marina. The natural light couldn’t be most adequate for discovering the 2011 Vasilikon Xynisteri vintage for a bottleshot, the peach and apricot aromas allusions that can sooth any morning. Although a little bit early for wine tastings, Xynisteri it’s a wait…